Vedic meditation for kids & teenagers

We often hear from parents that once they start to meditate their kids want to join in! Like little mirrors, they love to be where you are. We have a meditation practice to share with your kids once they start to inquire about learning. We really encourage that it’s the child themselves that makes the inquiry. When it comes from them we know they’re ready, excited and willing to jump in. 

When kids learn to meditate it helps them with big transitions and change, managing emotions and sets them up for life with a letting go practice. 

  • Format: 45 minute session. Parents will be with their kids and they will learn to practise their own meditation.


    They are between the ages of 5 - 11

    One or both parents is a Vedic meditator

    They are wanting to learn

    Cost: free for parents in the Mahasoma community

  • Format: 3 x 1 hour sessions, parents may wish to stay or leave


    They are between the ages of 12-15

    They are willing to learn and have inquired

    Cost: $250 for 3 x 1hr sessions. Discount applied if there is more than one.